IPL Photorejuvenation – A Guide for Patients

IPL photorejuvenation emits a concentrated pulsed light from a laser device to fragment melanin and hemoglobin. The body absorbs the broken pigment and vessels, making them less noticeable. IPL laser treatments are effective at lightening sun spots and brown blotches, enhancing skin texture, reducing pore size and decreasing skin oiliness. In addition, IPL photorejuvenation can …

The Causes and Treatment for Wrinkles

For many people, wrinkles are a serious skin concern. In order to effectively treat wrinkles, it is important for patients to know the causes of wrinkles. There are four main facilitators of wrinkles. Regular long-term muscle action that occurs in the same area can eventually create wrinkles like vertical frown lines. Environmental damage to the …

Types of Psoriasis & Treatment with the Pharos Excimer Laser

Patients who suffer from psoriasis need a treatment plan tailored to their specific kind of psoriasis. There are seven types of psoriasis a board-certified dermatologist or skin care specialist can potentially see. Plaque Psoriasis or Psoriasis Vulgaris Plaque psoriasis is the most common variety of psoriasis, afflicting 80 percent of patients. Plaque psoriasis is characterized …

The Benefits of Intense Pulsed Light Laser Treatments

Intense pulsed light therapy, also known as IPL is a dermatological cosmetic treatment that can effectively reduce the appearance of vascular lesions, age spots, freckles, fine lines and wrinkles and unwanted dark hair. How Does Intense Pulsed Light Therapy Work? IPL uses high-energy pulses of light that are converted into heat energy and then absorbed …

Hemangiomas & Infants, Toddlers and Babies

Hemangiomas are benign tumors comprised of a tangled mass of blood vessels. They are most common in Caucasian infants, especially fair-skinned females. The exact cause of hemangiomas is not known; however, they do not appear to be associated with heredity, environmental factors, or activities during pregnancy. Signs and Symptoms of Hemangiomas: Most infants develop hemangiomas …

Pharos Excimer Laser for Psoriasis Treatment

At OC Skin Institute, our team of professionals and board-certified dermatologist Dr. Tony Nakhla routinely use the Pharos Excimer Laser to treat psoriasis. During this therapy, a laser penetrates the skin to break up the cells that form plaque. The laser transmits an ultraviolet light to treat psoriasis lesions. Since the Pharos Excimer Laser device …

Kybella Injections for Fat Under the Chin

The dreaded double chin is a reality of aging for many of us. As we age, our bodies tend to deposit fat in the submental area beneath the chin, producing a rounded, sagging mass. In the past, people have tried double chin treatments ranging including bandages, massage and jaw exercises, but surgery was the only reliable …

The Importance of Hydrated Skin

Everyone knows, or should know, the benefits of staying properly hydrated: keeping energy up, losing weight, improving brain function and more. But do you know that getting enough water can be vital to healthy-looking skin? The Skin Dangers of Being Dehydrated When you don’t drink water, your body becomes dehydrated and that is reflected in …

Treatments for Sun Damaged Skin

Today, we know the importance of avoiding sun exposure to halt premature aging, skin cancer, and other forms of skin damage. But still, many people receive too much sun exposure, whether because of lifestyle, the environment, or simply not knowing how to properly prevent dangerous and excessive sun exposure without the appropriate precautions. Even if …

Natural & Synthetic Facial Fillers

Facial or dermal fillers are a type of cosmetic procedure used to rejuvenate skin that has begun to sag and lose volume due to age. They can provide targeted fullness and support for loose skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When injected by a board-certified dermatologist, these fillers are easy, safe, …