Everything OC Residents Need to Know About Sculptra Treatments

Sculptra is a liquid that is injected into the body to add volume to certain areas of the face in order to restore a soft, natural and beautiful youthful face. Sculptra is not harmful to the body and can be broken down by the body. It is made from poly-lactic acid that contributes a lot to the replacement of lost collagen in the body. Collagen is the most important component structure in the body that makes the skin smooth and youthful. As we are ageing the production of collagen goes down, and our skin starts to have wrinkles and hollow parts in our face.

Why is Sculptra an effective form of cosmetic enhancement?

Since collagen is a protein content, it assists in connecting body tissues such as the cartilages, skin, muscles, tendons and bones. On top of this, it contributes to supporting the internal organs, and it’s found even in the teeth. Dermatologists have discovered that the collagen starts reducing by 1.5 percentages at the age of twenty-five, at the age between fifty and sixty; one has lost about 50 percent of collagen.

Sculptra is not filler like Juvederm and Radiesse but a collagen stimulator. It also doesn’t make the muscles relax like Botox does to reduce wrinkles on the skin, however it can be done together with some of these fillers, like Perlane, in order to get an instant result. When injected with Sculptra, it works gradually and takes a long period before its effect is noticed but it last for two to three years. A full treatment of Sculptra involves three injections within a few months.

Who is the ideal candidate in Orange County for Sculptra treatments?

Sculptra is not for everybody. Cosmetic dermatologists recommend that you should not undergo Sculptra if you are allergic to the ingredients involved in the treatment. You should also not use it if your skin has sensitive infection.
