The dreaded double chin is a reality of aging for many of us. As we age, our bodies tend to deposit fat in the submental area beneath the chin, producing a rounded, sagging mass. In the past, people have tried double chin treatments ranging including bandages, massage and jaw exercises, but surgery was the only reliable solution.
Yet, another cosmetic treatment for double chins is now available. Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is an injectable treatment that attacks under-chin fat directly, eventually melting it away and restoring the smooth contours of the chin and jaw.
How Does Kybella Work?
Kybella’s active component, deoxycholic acid, is a synthetic version of an acid your digestive system normally produces to break down fat. When injected into the submental chin deposit, it destroys the membranes of fat cells, causing them to literally melt and be reabsorbed by the body.
Note that Kybella only treats fat deposits. It does not do anything for loose skin, obvious tendons and veins, or other cosmetic problems that may appear in the chin and neck area. Further cosmetic treatment, such as Botox, may be needed to get the best-looking chin and neck possible.
How Is Kybella Administered?
A session of Kybella treatment usually involves several subcutaneous injections with a light needle. This can take up to 15 or 20 minutes. Topical anesthesia or sedative may be used if the patient finds the process uncomfortable.
Usually, more than one session is necessary to completely achieve the desired results. No more than six sessions should be required, however. Sessions are scheduled 1-2 months apart, and can be arranged as necessary for the patient’s convenience.
Side effects can include light bruising at the injection site, numbness, and temporary hardening of the skin. These are usually not serious and go away on their own in a few days. More serious side effects, such as difficulty swallowing or weakness of the facial muscles that produces an uneven smile, are rare but possible.