Liposuction, a plastic surgery option that has been around for years, removes excess fat from the body. Also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, or lipectomy, it is a highly utilized form of plastic surgery, primarily because it is minimally-invasive, relatively low cost compared to other procedures, typically safe, and the excess body fat is removed permanently. The original liposuction technique was invented in 1974 by Italian gynecologist Dr. Giorgio Fischer. The tumescent technique, developed in 1985, greatly reduced many of the risks and side-effects of liposuction, and revolutionized the industry, making the procedure safe and much more common-place than before. It is now recognized as a popular and low-risk form of plastic surgery.
Various Forms of Liposuction
There are many different liposuction technologies and procedures, such as water pulsation, laser energy, vapor, tumescent, cynosure, power assisted(PAL), or ultrasound-assisted liposuction. It can be applied in a number of areas, and it can also be conducted under many different forms of anesthesia depending on the type of liposuction, from sedation, local or general anesthesia.
Risks Associated With Liposuction
Because it does not remove excess skin, it is usually recommended that the patient has good skin elasticity and tone, so that the liposuction procedure does not increase the looseness of the skin. Some of the risks involved in the procedure is bruising, bleeding, damage to the surrounding structures, and contour deformities. The risks associated with standard liposuction procedures, however, are very rare and only reported in a small minority of patients. Sometimes small amounts of excess fat and skin laxity can be better corrected using other techniques such as arm or thigh lifts or abdominoplasty.
More Information
It is recommended that you explore all the options available before making a decision on the type of procedure you should choose for fat reduction. Call us today to discuss forms of liposuction, as well as other procedures and technologies available to help you look and feel like a younger and healthier individual. We’re located in 3 convenient locations throughout Orange County.