Do you think you have Ringworm? Ringworm is a serious condition that should receive immediate treatment. This type of fungal infection is highly contagious and is easily spread over the body and to others. Common symptoms of ringworm include circular, red, scaly dry patches that tend to look like a round worm just under the …
How Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Can Enhance Your Appearance
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a very popular cosmetic surgery for both men and women. Performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthetic, this procedure provides permanent results with no visible scars. A person’s appearance is permanently improved, and they look years younger. Do I Need Eyelid Surgery? Skin naturally becomes less flexible as a …
Looking for An Effective Treatment for Impetigo? Your Dermatologist Can Help
Impetigo is a skin infection that has two forms. Non-bullous impetigo occurs on the face, head or arms. Bullous Impetigo affects the torso, arms or legs. Neither form is life threatening. In most cases Impetigo will clear up within two to three weeks without medical treatment. The symptoms usually appear in 4 to 10 days …
How to Treat Enlarged Pores With the Support of a Dermatologist
Pores contribute significantly to the wellbeing of the human skin and body at large. Tiny pores make skin texture soft and smooth and vice versa. Skin pore enlargement is a natural occurrence spurred by a variety of causal factors, most common of which is age. With age comes decreasing the elasticity of the skin due …
How To Treat Cancer Painlessly With Electronic Brachytherapy
Cancer is a disease that continues to wreak havoc on patients in communities around the country. The OC Skin Institute in Orange County C.A. has a new method called the Xoft Electronic Brachytherapy (eBx) radiation system. It allows patients with non-melanoma skin cancer to be treated using an isotope-free radiation source that is targeted to …
The Many Benefits and Uses of Topical Chemotherapy
What is Topical Chemotherapy Used to fight different types of skin cancers, topical chemotherapy is less technical and invasive than other types of chemotherapy. Topical chemotherapy is administered to the skin directly, eliminating the need for the rest of the body to endure the exposure of the treatment. There are two main types of topical …
Tighten Your Skin With Fractional Skin Resurfacing
Fractional resurfacing is a medically advanced form of traditional laser resurfacing. This form of resurfacing offers better results than traditional resurfacing with significantly less time healing. This fast healing occurs because lasers utilized in fractional resurfacing concentrate their effectiveness only on small areas of the skin impacting the sensitive skin much less with each laser …
Find Athlete’s Foot Treatment With Your Dermatologist
Tinea pedis is a fungal infection that occurs on the feet. It typically causes red, cracked and itchy skin between the toes that may or may not include the sole of the foot. More commonly known as athlete’s foot, its medical name refers to infection of skin by a fungus, tinea and pedis, meaning foot. …
How To Effectively Treat Genital Warts By Visiting Your Dermatologist
Genital warts are caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus). The virus spreads to the vagina, cervix, penis, and rectum via bare contact during vaginal, anal, or even oral sex. Though some might be embarrassed about this condition, it is actually a very common. In order to control and treat genital warts, it’s important to seek medical …
Is Liposuction Still An Effective Treatment Option?
Liposuction, a plastic surgery option that has been around for years, removes excess fat from the body. Also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, or lipectomy, it is a highly utilized form of plastic surgery, primarily because it is minimally-invasive, relatively low cost compared to other procedures, typically safe, and the excess body fat is removed …