Radiesse Injections Naturally Stimulate Collagen In The Face

Radiesse is the latest in anti-aging techniques. As our bodies age, the skin loses collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, giving it an older appearance by taking away the volume, support and suppleness. Because of this, wrinkles, lines and skin laxity set in, robbing you of your youth.

Top dermal fillers in Orange County – Radiesse

As a nonsurgical solution to aging, Radiesse is often a top choice for dermal fillers. The solution is injected under your skin along smile lines, marionette lines, mouth corners, pre-jowl or chin wrinkles to fill it out much in the same way the surface of a balloon smooths when filled with air. The procedure is so quick and simple that it can be performed in less than an hour. The filler is also mixed with the anasthetic lidocaine to ensure a much more comfortable injection.

How does the Radiesse dermal filler enhance my appearance?

Many of its uses include reducing deep wrinkles and lines and adding contour to areas that no longer have their shape due to sagging. It is made up of synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite suspended in gel. This then stimulates collagen growth as it dissolves, having the body replace the dissolved gel with its own, naturally produced collagen and leaving you with longer lasting results.

Unlike its competitors, Radiesse does not need to be overfilled, leaving you free from an overly puffy face. Because it is a filler, the results are apparent immediately after the injection takes place. The effects of the smoothing also last a significantly longer period of time, ranging from one to three years depending on the severity of the lines treated. While there are minor side effects like itching and tenderness, Radiesse is a safe, long-lasting dermal filler.

Am I a good candidate for Radiesse treatment in Orange County?

Radiesse is a good option for most of our Orange County patients; however, the only way to truly determine if Radiesse is your best dermal filler option is to schedule a consultation with our Orange County dermatologists today.

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