You probably feel apprehensive if your doctor has recently told you that you have skin cancer. It is important to ask questions at this time to ensure that you choose the best possible skin cancer treatment. Many doctors today prefer Mohs micrographic surgery to remove skin cancer for a variety of reasons.
The Top Advantages of Mohs Surgery Performed in Orange County
Mohs surgery is between 97 and 99 percent successful at removing basal cell carcinoma. This type of non-melanoma cancer is diagnosed most often in the United States. It is also the least serious of all skin cancers because it is unlikely to spread beyond its origination point. Mohs is only slightly less successful with squamous cell carcinoma. This type of cancer invades cells at a deeper level and is more likely to spread to nearby tissues if not caught early.
What our Orange County patients should know about Mohs Surgery to remove skin cancer
Mohs micrographic surgery is typically performed in an outpatient setting at our Orange County dermatology center. The process can take up to several hours. This is because the skin cancer surgeon closely examines the removed tissue under a microscope. He or she makes sure that the cancer is no longer present in the removed skin before moving on to the next layer. Mohs surgery preserves more of the patient’s healthy skin than other types of skin cancer surgeries. Once all margins are clear, the patient is free to go home.
Short recovery period following Mohs skin cancer surgery
Most doctors perform Mohs micrographic surgery under local anesthesia. There are no side effects and people can usually resume their regular activities by the next day. Since the surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and a limited number of medications are used, the Mohs procedure is less expensive than other types of skin cancer treatment. Once a diagnosis of skin cancer is confirmed, most insurance companies approve Mohs surgery. This isn’t always the case with alternatives to this procedure unless the patient has a legitimate medical reason why he or she shouldn’t have Mohs surgery.