What You Should Know about Juvederm Fillers

Juvederm is a gel dermal filler that can plump your skin and smooth away wrinkles and fine lines on your face. It adds volume to facial skin tissue and returns a smoother appearance. It is also commonly used to enhance the plumpness of the lips.

Juvederm consists of cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance your body produces naturally to hydrate your skin. As you age, your body produces less hyaluronic acid, causing your skin to lose volume, resulting in wrinkles on your face. Juvederm is a safe, effective method of replacing the hyaluronic acid your skin loses through the aging process. “Cross-linked” hyaluronic acid makes it into a gel form that can be injected, providing more long-lasting results.

Compared to other facial fillers, Juvederm is considered to be a more effective and long-lasting solution to wrinkles and fine lines. Clinical studies by dermatologists have found that areas treated by Juvederm were seen as significantly more improved than other fillers like Zyplast.

Is Juvederm a permanent treatment?

The effects of hyaluronic acid in the form of supplements only lasts for a short time, while Juvederm’s effects last up to one year. The gel moves easily into the skin on the face, providing a natural, smooth appearance and feel.

Should I consider Juvederm? 

You may consider Juvederm if you are noticing the visible signs of aging on your face, such as wrinkles and fine lines that may make you look older than you actually feel.

When should I see results?

Most people start seeing noticeable improvements in their skin immediately following treatment. The full results should be apparent in about 10 days.

Are there any precautions following treatment performed in Orange County?

During the 24 hours after your cosmetic treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and prolonged exposure to the sun or heat. These can cause some swelling, temporary redness, and itching at the site of the injections.

What is the recovery process like?

The recovery from Juvederm treatment may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. People can typically return to work immediately after treatment.

If you have more questions we encourage you to call one of our three offices in Orange County and speak with one of our Orange County dermatologists to find out what treatment is best for you.
